The Godfather by Mario puzo

Insight on the book: ‘The godfather’ is one of those books that one finds exciting right from the beginning to the very end. Every character in this story adds to the intrigue of the plot and speaking from experience, once you start this book you’re likely to forget every other thing you’d be too engrossed and thus find it very hard to drop. It tells the tale of the Corleone family, its power, business, kith and kin and of course the godfather- the head of the family.
 Don Vito Corleone is ‘the godfather’, a powerful business tycoon that doesn’t believe in the conventional society and its rules and absolutely refuses to be guided by them so he dictates his own rules  his ideals on which his character and actions are based on, well the translation is that he is Mafia and very Old fashioned. With his power and fortune he helps virtually anyone that comes for help regarding any problem or requests of any sorts except safety from death, Oh no he’s not philanthropic he helps these people and they pay the price of allegiance and indebtedness to him and when the time comes he will collect and they dare not refuse. He started from the bottom and built his family to be the most powerful of the five families that control the underground business in the city. He ran his business shrewdly, secretly when necessary, frequently with force and calculated actions at all times. Everything , the very long chain of command of the family was intact until ‘the godfather’ said no and then a war broke out between the Corleone family and the other families.
The book explained how the family fought for its respect, honor and power in a conflict that arose due to the godfather’s refusal to agree to a business proposition that was against his personal ethics. The book tells how the family handled this conflict, how they were affected, who died and survived, betrayals and that there’s no line between business and personal, it’s all personal. The whole thing was literarily bloody and very exciting too. The family has three sons and a daughter- Santino, Federico, Michael and Connie. Santino is the hot tempered one unlike his calm and calculating father, he’d rather use force than negotiation. Federico is very tame compared to his brothers and he absolutely adored his father and there is Michael, my personal favorite. Michael is the rebel (every family needs that right?), the only one to dare go against his father’s express orders and funny enough he resembles his father the most. Initially he seemed to have no interest in the family business until he was provoked and well, let’s just say he found his own destiny, his actual words were: “tell my father to get me home, tell my father am ready to be his son” Oh yes! He went home and yes Don Corleone could not have asked for a finer son, he proved to be the true son of his father, how he did that is quite interesting. Connie Corleone is the only female child, her father’s favorite, she’s the ‘classic daddy’s little girl’. She, like the other females in the family, was not involved in the family business.

Title: ‘The Godfather’ is our very own Don Vito Corleone. The story is about him, his character, his family, his rise to power, his subjects, his business principles and strategies and everything in between. One can’t help but admire the man’s genius he knows how to inspire obedience, fear, adoration and devotion in people when necessary. The Godfather basically tells the tale of a mafia family, this book is timeless it is what we call a classic.

Theme: Mafia, power, business, betrayals, choices, family.

Life Message: Family is everything and helping people really pays well. Also, there’s really no line between business and personal, there’s nothing like ‘it’s just business’ everything is very personal.

Favorite Quote: “there are things that have to be done and you do them and you never talk about them. You don’t try to justify them. They can’t be justified. You just do them. Then you forget it.”

Rating: 8/10  

