The Nightingale by Kistin Hannah

  The Nightingale is about survival in a world at war, a world where you trust no one, a world where loyalty is to self, a world where all you have is now because you don’t know what’s about to happen, a world of smoke and blood. This book paints war, courage, humanity, sacrifice, fear and survival.

Insight on the book: The major characters are Vianne and Isabelle, both are sisters who couldn’t seem to get along very well at the onset but became united in their experience of war its tragedy and war. The book describes how these two intriguing characters managed to survive, how they dealt the cards war threw them, I wouldn’t want to spoil the fun after all reading needs anticipation, so no details.
Isabelle is as loyal as it gets, she channeled all her energy and resources into making an impact, into fighting for her country, she wasn’t contented with sitting around and waiting to be saved but she went out and did savings of her in an astonishing way and she made a huge difference just like she wanted. Pretty cool huh? It was quite difficult, in fact quite doesn’t cover it, it wasn’t easy at all. This quote from the book aptly describes Isabelle; “Isabelle was tough and driven and determined, she always had been”.
Oh she was beautiful too and that got her a lot of attention but all she really wanted was to be loved. In her fight for Paris she found love and not just the love of a ‘significant other’ ,she got that too by the way, but the love of belonging, being care about, of friendship and family. Isabelle character is one that would do something and think of the consequences later. I think you’ll like her very much, at least I did, she’s a Nightingale, She defied all odds and created an escape route for foreign allies, a feat no man dared to do under the oppression but she a woman managed to achieve, with help of course.
Vianne on the hand is super different, I mean she’s contented to sit and wait to be saved, she who had never been alone, even after their Maman’s (mother) death and father’s inattention, she had her best friend, Rachel and husband, Anthonio to be with so she never really knew how to be alone until the war came and tore her world apart. Being a mother, wife, sister and friend she watched as life around her turned upside down and this time, all Vianne had was herself, she found her courage but did she survive? She is also a nightingale, she stayed strong despite the sufferings and not for herself but for those who depended on her, this is what being a nightingale symbolizes in the book.

Title: The Nightingale is a symbol, although it’s the code name used for the escape route chaperon. The Nightingale symbolized fighting even when oppressed, dong what had to be done despite the fear, it means finding courage when cowardice is safer. The Nightingale is hope, staying strong not for yourself but for those who whether they knew I or not rely on you. But of course their Rossignol surname also meant the Nightingale.
Theme: War, courage, fear, hope, betrayal, sacrifice.

Life Message: Apart from the delightful read, here’s what I got from the book. One finds courage in the most desperate of times, even when such bravery seems impossible. Another message is to be bold, there’s nothing to lose, this quote from the book supports that “It’s better to be bold than meek, if you jump off a cliff at least you’ll fly before you fall” Isabelle is bold she went after what she believed in despite the risks. I think this is something everyone should live by, believe in oneself, to do whatever it is no matter what it takes, no matter what’s at stake. I don’t know about you but I would rather fly.

Favorite Quote: “In love we find who we want to be, in war we find out who we are”

 Head’s up, after reading this book you’re definitely going to like Hitler a lot less!

Rating: 6/10        

